Learn Thai
Smartly With Us
Our online courses offer you topic-based Thai lessons in our signature cartoon animation. All lessons were attentively developed to make you learn fast and effortlessly!
Our Online Courses
You can buy one chapter at a time or the whole course with a special discount! Free lessons are available, too!

Watch Thai Lessons
in our signature cartoon animation series.

Speak Confidently
with useful pronunciation tips and dialogues

Get Advice & Support
You can ask questions anytime.
Why Learn with Us

Choose the courses and topics that suit your need or interest.

Fun & Easy
Take minimal effort to learn. We think hard to make you learn fast!

Practical & Native
No “classroom-only language”. No need to say 5 words when Thais say only one.

Blended Language
& Cultural Lessons
Have good manners and speak appropriately in Thai community.

Communicable Phonetic
With our “Karaoke Code”, you can read Thai accurately and write these very same words to communicate with Thai people!
Explore Our Free Lessons
Whether you are a beginner or advanced Thai learner, our free lessons are useful to you. They are simple and very easy to understand, yet detailed and insightful. You will also find many smart tips that help you on your Thai learning journey.